Safety Champions - Longspee Primary
At Longspee Primary, we have members of staff who have particular responsibilities for ensuring and supporting safety and wellbeing
Please find this information below:
Quality of Education Lead:
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Behaviour and Attitudes:
School SENCO:
Anti-Bullying Lead:
Diversity and Inclusion Lead (Prevent):
E-Safety Lead: Patrick Cork-Simpson
School Council Lead:
Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead:
Mental Health Champions:
First Aid Lead: Miss N Tetlow
Administration of Medication Lead:
Fire Evacuation Team Lead:
Mr J Wathan
Miss E Ryder
Miss L Cheney
Miss E Ryder
Miss L Slipkova
Miss E Ryder and Miss O McWilliam
Miss E Ryder
Patrick Cork-Simpson
Mrs E Dowthwaite
Miss F Sheppard
Mr J Wathan/ Miss F Sheppard
Miss N Tetlow
Ms C Gale
Mr N Jeffery (Site Manager)