Longspee Academy

Attendance - Longspee Secondary

Longspee Secondary School considers consistent, regular and punctual attendance as essential in enabling pupils to achieve their maximum academic and social potential.

If a pupil is unable to attend school due to illness or other exceptional circumstances then parents/carers must notify the school on the first day of absence before 09:00 on 01202 283 744.

Please give sufficient detail in order that the exact type of absence can be recorded in the school register e.g. “illness” or “hospital appointment”.

If the absence lasts more that 1 day, you must continue to report to school on a daily basis.

Attendance of all pupils is closely monitored to enable early identification and intervention where there are presenting attendance issues. As an Academy we work closely with pupils and parents/carers to improve attendance levels in order to maximise your child’s potential.

Please note that NHS guidance on school attendance in the event of illness can be found here:

Is my child too ill for school?

Our Attendance Policy can be found here:

Longspee Secondary Attendance Policy 2023

If you need to request for Leave of Absence in term time due to exceptional circumstance please use this form:
Request for Leave of Absence in Term Time

and send it via email to LEPC@longspee-academy.co.uk or hand it into Reception.