Longspee Academy

Uniform - Longspee Secondary

To build a feeling of community and clear routine, whilst supporting equality and equity, it is expected that students will arrive at Longspee Secondary in appropriate clothing. This has been shared and agreed within the school council, and links to our reward systems.

Our policy for school clothing is designed to:

  • be appropriate and safe for school activities
  • encouraging of community spirit and equity
  • support daily routine
  • be easily obtainable, maintainable and inexpensive

We have consulted our students on the style and type of clothing to meet and support sensory need (or other), but please do get in contact with the school should you wish to discuss any particular aspect of the school uniform.

There is a common uniform list, appropriate for both summer and winter wear:

  • Plain white shirt, polo shirt or t-shirt (long or short sleeved)
  • Black or Dark grey trousers, skirt or shorts
  • Black shoes or trainers (solid colour without bright logos)
  • Longspee Academy Jumper / Body Warmer / Fleece (with the Longspee Academy name and logo embroidered)

PE / Sports / Games Kit:

  • Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt
  • Black or dark, plain shorts or tracksuit bottoms
  • Black or dark coloured plimsols or trainers

As a guide to our general approach, please understand that trousers should not be excessively long or baggy; and that skin tight jeans, cords, tracksuit bottoms or cargo/combat trousers are not seen as appropriate school wear. Skirts / shorts should be of appropriate length

Other matters to consider are:

  • Hair: please ensure that hairstyle and colour is of positive and appropriate taste, as we continue to respect cultural and religious choice, alongside SEND need
  • Jewellery: items which are safe to wear and discrete is our guiding principle; e.g. stud earrings. For some activities, students may be asked to remove / cover items of jewellery: school discretion will guide what is felt to be appropriate and safe.

We highly recommend that the student name is clearly marked on all his/her clothes as this helps considerably when articles of clothing are misplaced or left behind in school.

Uniform Items can be ordered through Parent Pay. Please click through on the link below:


(If you are a first time user, you will need to gain an activation code from us at Longspee Secondary)