Longspee Academy

Overview - Longspee Secondary

Our aim at Longspee Secondary is to support our young people to become independent, successful and confident adults.

We believe that students at Longspee build strong relationships that enable them to access our curriculum and utilise the support the school has to offer.

Longspee secondary build on the strong foundations of personal development taught at our primary school. At Longspee Secondary the students are helped to move away from co-regulation by implementing these taught strategies, that gradually lead to self-regulation and independence.

We are ambitious for all of our students to achieve GSCEs and vocational qualifications. We recognise that developing personal and social skills is as important as achieving qualifications and this reflected in our curriculum offer.

Our curriculum is divided into four key areas; Core, Character and Culture, and Careers.

The core curriculum focuses on academic subjects such as Maths and English. Personal Social development is the main focus of the character and community element. This includes learning outside of the classroom, PSD opportunities and interventions. Careers threads through the entire curriculum directly from year 7 when pupil enter the school.

At Longspee we understand the importance of a therapeutic approach when supporting our young people. We believe that every interaction is an intervention and staff approach teaching and learning with this in mind.  If you would like to read more about our approaches please our section on SEND provision.

Students access a broad and balanced curriculum where they follow the National Curriculum Framework, adapted where appropriate to meet our students’ needs. In Key Stage 3, they learn in tutor groups as well as working with specialist teachers for some subjects. In Key stage 4, the students have the opportunity to engage within more bespoke, specialist and focused academic groups. This allows for opportunities to experience change readying them for adult life.

All students have access to pastoral support and Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (‘CIAG’) as well as interventions led by school staff or in partnership with other agencies.
